Life, The Mathematical Universe Hypothesis and Everything

The Mathematical Universe Hypothesis (MUH) is a science philosophy that says that our universe is nothing more than a mathematical structure. It also says that all definable mathematical structures are universes that are just as real as ours.

It doesn’t seem to be taken too seriously. The person who proposed it, Max Tegmark, refers to his MUH papers with the perspective “Every time I’ve written ten mainstream papers, I allow myself to indulge in writing one wacky one” under his home page link “Crazy Science”. Maybe this is just a disclaimer because it’s on an MIT site and he’s a well respected member of the scientific community.

Well I’m not. And I think it should be taken seriously and I’d like to explain why. But my approach will be from a finitist point of view, that any definable finite and discrete mathematical structure is a real universe. I’ll also be presuming that our universe is finite and discrete.

In this post I’ll show you some things most people haven’t seen. I’ll stretch your imagination to think of reality differently. I’ll show you You Tube clips that are truly stunning. And if these things don’t blow you right out of your chair then you’re simply reading the wrong blog.

Then as a bonus I’ll show how the MUH provides answers to some of the Big Questions, such as Why is there something rather than nothing?, What happened before the universe? and What is the meaning of life?

But I’ll begin with something simple and ask: What is strange about this picture?

Source: Public Domain

Source: Public Domain

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